Friday 16 October 2020

What is Term Insurance and why do you need a Term Insurance?


More often than not, when I meet someone and ask them, do you have a Term Insurance? They are either not aware or they state various reasons which are silly for not having one. The word death is a taboo in India but good news is that, we are not alone, in fact, Steve Jobs, in his famous Stanford commencement speech, said that, "even people who want to go to heaven are afraid of death". Now then, its clear that, we are all perishable. The logical thing to do is to think of a meaningful step, which can create a cushion of comfort for your family, when you are no more.

What is Term Insurance?

Simply put you are insuring yourself for a term (of lets say 12 months / 6 months) against the universal truth - death. In case the eventuality occurs, you'll leave behind your family or nominees a lump sum which can help them meet financial obligations for a few years.

When should you buy Term Insurance?

The moment you get your first salary - you'll actually be doing your family a favour by taking a policy. Remember, all of us are perishable.  Insurance companies, put a value on our life, depending upon the probability that we might die basis on age, life habits, health, income, nature of job etc.,  and quote a premium to insure your life for a period of one year. The longer your life expectancy, the lesser the premium.

Why should I take it early?

Simple Economics. The younger you are, health and age are on your side.  These two play an important role in determining the premium. Check the image below (which I have just used an illustration). These figures are obtained from

As you can see, the longer you wait, the more premium you'll have to pay for the same amount of sum assured. Another factor to consider is that, once the premium is fixed, it remains the same (excluding any GST fluctuations) throughout the term. For example, if someone purchases a term-insurance policy at the age of 21 say from Tata AIA they may get it INR 6,667; they continue to pay the same premium even at the age of 40.

Aggregators provide such illustrations based on certain assumptions like you're healthy, non-smoker etc., The premium rates might increase, if you're under medication, have a lifelong illness, smoker etc.,  In certain conditions, the policy could be denied as well!

Why Term Insurance?

It creates a safety net for your family and you can have peace of mind. Before you begin your investment journey - remember that, wealth creation and career are like marathons. You need to conserve your energy every bit. Term Insurance unlike other insurance products is aimed at purely covering the risk of death. You can't create wealth if the purpose of product is defeated if part of your premium is invested in markets, which (Investment) by and large you can do yourself with some self study and help. Since these are pure products, the premium is usually lower than money back policy.

Also, Term Insurance pays a large amount as a lump sum. This can help your family maintain same life style even when their bread winner is no more. A pure product which pays a lump sum when the bread winner is no more is the most ideal one to pick.

Tax Benefits

Currently u/s 80(C) of IT Act, you can save tax up to INR 1,50,000 per annum

Important points to consider

  1. Disclose all the details including  habits, present or past medical history etc., to insurer accurately. To decrease premium don't hide/suppress any facts.  Remember if the policy is triggered, simple means you are no more - in such a case if its found that, at the time of policy issuance, material facts were suppressed; it may lead to cancellation of policy. Sadly, you can't come back to respond to any queries!!
  2. Nomination is important. Especially post marriage, update your nomination without fail
  3. Check the financial stability of the company. Check the claim settled ratio. The higher the better.
  4. Keep the policy document safe
  5. Inform about this policy to one or two close friends and Spouse
  6. Don't discontinue the policy. Make it a habit to keep the policy in force.

Until my later post! 

Picture Credits:

<a href="">Cover vector created by -</a>

Disclaimer: All views are personal. I am not endorsing any life insurance company through this post. Please contact your financial advisor for any advise. 

