Tuesday 22 March 2016

Why do we need good roads?

What do you prefer to walk on  - a) grass b) Sand c)Burning coal d)Thorns? Most often, people would prefer first two v/s the last two options. Now the problem is, we often disassociate ourselves from things we own and do not view things from the owned things perspective. You do not see things from a Bike's perspective. You just see Bike as a 'non-living' entity! Hence even if the roads are pathetic and its heart (engine) yelling with pain, its legs (tyres) crying that its liking walking on thorns, we do not pay heed to it. Why should it bother you? Its just a 'thing' right! Then why don't you apply the same logic to everything which happens to you in life? Why are you so attached to your gold? Why do you cry if you loose it? You give it a nice cozy safe. Why do you feel bad when you lose your favourite pen? You give it a pocket, close to your heart! Is it not your right to provide your bike with good roads? Why can't you take ownership and vote! Participate in Democracy.

How often do you use gold? How long will you use the same pen? Can both of them give you happiness? While Gold brings fear. Pen can give you happiness depending upon your mood. Your bike irrespective of your mood - if you're sad takes you on a long ride, carries you and your girlfriend to places where you have memorable moments, your kid learns to ride a bike on your beloved bike, for work, for emergencies, for pleasure don't you use bikes? Isn't it your job to provide your best friend with good roads? For friend's sake, can't you vote? Participate in Democracy.

Do not spend your life stuck in bad traffic. One of the simple solutions for bad traffic is to have good roads. Isn't it true not just speed break humps but also, the roads slows down traffic? Good roads help you reach your destination quicker. Good roads, keeps your temper in control and there by helps you stay in good mood and have good relations with your family / friends / cohabitants.
Aesthetically appealing roads fill you with confidence. When you over take a vehicle or several vehicles and all you can see is a road, one thick black line, you realise, life isn't a race. It never is. You'll begin to enjoy journey! To realise this make your vote count.

As much as speed thrills it is capable of devastating several families. Enjoy the thrill responsibly. Wear helmets. Don't drink and drive. Don't smoke and (become) a fly!

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