Monday, 17 October 2016

Future Belongs To?

For those of you who read the 1970's classic by Toffler, Future Shock, I bet would have been mesmerized by the capacity of someone to think out of the box. At least I was.

So here is my uncanny attempt on who will be a Future Leader. (Some of the ideas here are already made into movies / were the sources) Lets see if we could mix some mythology to make things interesting.

  1. The competencies of Nations would be redefined not by the number of nukes they possess but how effectively they shield their resources against nukes. The future belongs to that nation which first comes up with a metal / fiber which can withstand nuke impact. Is it possible? Oh my freaking Kevlar! yes!

    A Hindu Mythological story thus goes that, baby Hanuman - a just born monkey god leapt up to Sun. There must be something either an ornament / pendant made by a unique material or food which could have kept him alive
  2. According to Criminal Psychology, people with better Social relations are less prone to commit crimes. Be it Communism, Democracy or Monarchy, nation which realises the importance of equality to reduce crime so that all citizens can continuously strive for the future will be decisive factor

    Indians still cherish and most often use the word 'Rama-Rajya'. Just Google the term for the rest.
  3. Its not about Mass Production, its about quality. Its not about 'how' much one has produced but 'what' is what matters. Ask a soldier what do they pack as food? Nuts. Chocolates. Canned food.
    For all those Dragon Ball Z lovers, remember Sensu Bean. (Sensu Bean is a small pea sized pill which gives instant energy)

    Sage Viswamitra, a renowned sage to Hindus, teaches the art of preserving energy to Ram and Lakshman. This art is called Bala-Atibala.
  4. Its not about decoding your enemy's messages but also about learning how to communicate with other animals. A step forward, using them in your military armed forces. Its not about training them. Its the next level. Animals are known to have better senses than humans. They can predict an impending danger - Natural or otherwise. Its about involving them in your team. Plants perform precise arithmetic calculations at night to survive! Who knows what mysteries they reveal.
  5. Underground housing, think of a sky scraper / colonies built inside earth or Ocean. Of course, it will be masked with challenges. Ants have been doing so since ages, a leaf or two could be picked up from the tiny creatures.
  6. Causing Earthquakes at will: Imagine you possess a competency to cause Earthquakes on any part of earth! Won't this take warfare to a new level. Tesla has already demonstrated this by inventing a device which can cause Earthquakes using natural vibrations. According to Hindu mythology, Earth is supported by 'Astha Diggajams' (Eight Elephants). This may Eight tectonic plates. It is a matter of figuring out natural frequency and matching vibrations.
  7. Beat the speed of light:  If one were to travel beyond the speed of light, one would need material / alloy which can withstand friction and should be able to reintegrate itself at halt.
    There is a pillar in India (Iron Pillar of Delhi) which is made of an alloy which wouldn't rust with time.
  8. Getting close to Zero: Its reducing the point of impact to a point which is close to Zero. Human body has an amazing immune system which daily destroys at least one cell which can potentially turn into a tumor. Its about striking the cell precisely close to 'Zero' second. On the other hand, devising weapons which give us the capability to strike close to Zeroth second.
  9. How do you preserve knowledge? In case of a D-Day, how well do we encapsulate and protect information? DNA! Yoga? Telapathy?

    Well that's all folks I think these are some of the points which might determine the competitive advantage of nations or probably Earth. More for later. See you around.

